Category: /Literature/Poetry
A white mantle disguising the earth,
Hiding the grass from all.
Bodies wandering through milky powder alleys,
With snow descending from the heavens.
Families convene beside the hearth of love,
Benevolence, altruism, affection ,circulating throug
Details: Words: 121 | Pages: 0.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Poetry
silence in the courtroom. All the gods were crowding around waiting for the sentence of Jeremy Miles half-god half mortal. The chief goddess Esther walked in the room furiously and sat down in her seat. "You have lied to me Jeremy. You said you were
Details: Words: 810 | Pages: 3.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Poetry
describes the horrors of the war rather than the glory that is associated with it. This is conveyed by Owen, through a variety of language techniques. It reveals an attitude towards war that is contrary to the general opinion that war is a glorifying
Details: Words: 1504 | Pages: 5.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Poetry
characteristic for radical poetry of Langston Hughes. The majority of literary critiques and historians refer to Hughes as one of the first American poets, who set the standards and examples how to challenge the post-World War I ethnic nationalism.
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Category: /Literature/Poetry
one of Blake's sayings which is
''Opposition is true friendship.''As we will see,this saying of his obviously catches the
dominant trend of the Romantic society.''Opposition'' meant a lot to Blake and other
romantic writers who made rejection and
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Category: /Literature/Poetry
about this in conversation as well, even with the actors he was directing. Assuming she has died, perhaps it is only temporary, and she will be resurrected the next day. In the cyclical world the characters inhabit, this is not an implausible idea--maybe
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Category: /Literature/Poetry
while leaning on the work surface. It was a very modern one, light and airy with plenty of room to move about. Chrome everywhere, shimmering and shining, like moonlight on a cold night. All around the kitchen were pots and jars places on shelves that
Details: Words: 1220 | Pages: 4.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Poetry
delimitation, whose analysis must be very. finely detailed if it wishes to ascertain the effects of fiction.
---Jacques Derrida, "Le facteur de la verite"
If we are to approach a text, it must have an edge.
---Jacques Derrida, "Living On: Border Lines"
Details: Words: 5881 | Pages: 21.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/Poetry
pagan and Christian beliefs. Within this context there is a continuous theme of good versus evil. Beowulf is a Christian hero who is endowed with superhuman strengths representative of paganism. He battles Grendel and Grendel's mother, pagan monsters,
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Category: /Literature/Poetry
the English language was composed after John Caryll, a friend of Pope's, informed the poet of an incident regarding two land owning, Catholic families, the Petres & the Fermors. The young lord Petre had cut off a lock of hair from the fashionable
Details: Words: 2328 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)