Category: /Literature/European Literature
Venice' is that of the antagonism between the Jews and the Christians. The unconscious, inborn dislike of cultures which jeopardise our way of life.
Ever since people have left their homelands to settle in other places there has been conflict between
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
Act I, Scene V
Act 1 scene 5 is set at the Capulet's House on the night of the Capulet family ball. It is an important scene in the play because it is the first time when Romeo and Juliet meet and realise their love for one another.
In the play
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
in Shakespearean times
The treatment of women back in Shakespearean times was not like today. During that era the woman did not have any say, their opinions did not count for much nor could they freely express themselves. It was the male gender
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
In Shakespeare's uniquely constructed comedy, Twelfth Night, there are several paradoxes within the characters. Misinterpretations as well as false presentation of reality are both common occurrences within the characters. Nearly the entire
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
of the characters misfortunes is avenged in a particularly fascinating way. In particular, Empress Tamora's misconduct was avenged most violently. Perhaps it was because of the fact that she had no justification for the transgressions of her misspent
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
The use of such historical dates and references gives the book as well as the characters a very real touch, making the characters lives and surroundings so real that you begin to wonder if these people, from Miss Brodie to Mary McGregor, really existed.
Details: Words: 671 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/European Literature
of a national identity, but none more than the exported views and feelings to the world. Art is a major export and factors in the formation of national identity. In The Englishman's Boy, Guy Vanderhaeghe exposes the problems that are caused with
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
as a medieval romance because it possesses most if not all of the characteristics involved in this narrative form of writing. The story contains a noble hero, Sir Gawain who steps in for King Arthur in the challenge against the Green Knight. Although
Details: Words: 453 | Pages: 2.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/European Literature
more religiously devout and more likely to believe in spirits and ghosts. Spirits could be messengers from heaven or evil in nature. This is one reason Hamlet so readily believed his friends when they told him they had seen his father's ghost;
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
can be interpreted by using Joseph Campbell's steps of a hero. Although Macbeth himself is not a Campbell's hero in the full sense, he does go through a number of the hero stages. Other characters in the play can also be seen as a partial Campbell's
Details: Words: 1439 | Pages: 5.0 (approximately 235 words/page)